Nick the Hiker:
20240224_073210_Open daily, 8am-5pm (OCT 1 thru JULY 4): website:
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_073608_Toll gate address: 38520 S. Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_073303_Cholla, and California fan palm
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_080527_Drive-thru split rock
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_080743_Drive-thru split rock
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_080727_Drive-thru split rock
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0005_California fan palm, (Washingtonia filifera)
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_082402_California fan palm oasis
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_082823_Trading Post
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_081647_Rock wren, Salpinctes obsoletus
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_081804_Rock wren, Salpinctes obsoletus
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_083213_California fan palm oasis
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_083432_California fan palm oasis
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_083526_California fan palm oasis
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_083551_California fan palm
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_083642_California fan palm
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_083609_California fan palm
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_084619_California fan palm
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_085610_California fan palm
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_085817_California fan palm oasis
Nick the Hiker:
20240224_085912_California fan palm oasis
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0017_Hill full of barrel cactus
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0010_Desert primrose
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker: