Nick the Hiker: Credit: Jerry Schad
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_074545_View from the end of Shoemaker Canyon Road (near the Trailhead)
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_074430_Overlooking East Fork gorge
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_075924
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_080330_Trailhead at Mile Marker 1.89, at the end of Shoemaker Canyon Road, off East Fork Road (Hwy 39)
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_081923_Shoemaker Canyon Road
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_082759
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_083036
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_083955
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_084058
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_085442_Rattlesnake Trailhead on bottom left at Mile Marker 3.39 on Shoemaker Canyon Road (1.5 mile from the Trailhead)
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_085728_First tunnel in sight
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_085823_First tunnel
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_090131
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_090314_First tunnel
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_090358_First tunnel
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_090804_Video: Exiting first tunnel
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_091016
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_092108
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_092443
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_092940_Approaching second tunnel
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_093213_Second tunnel
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_093239_Second tunnel
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_093658_View from the end of second tunnel
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_093841_Looking back towards second tunnel
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_093852_Exploring past second tunnel
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_094622_Second tunnel
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_094953
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_101128_(L-R): Wild sweet pea, Farewell-to-spring (??) clarkia, and Cliff aster
Nick the Hiker: 20240131_101409