Nick the Hiker: 20231129_122720_Address: 844 N Live Oak Ave, Glendora, CA 91741
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0026
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0039_Michael Clarke Rubel (April 16, 1940 – October 15, 2007)
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_123228
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_123407
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_124209_Docent Don Green of Glendora Historical Society
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_124310
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_124524
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_124332
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_124545
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_124714
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_124722
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_124819
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_124851
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_125041_Watching first part 10 minutes) of Huell Howser's presentation (KCET) on YouTube.
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_131234_Odo Stade standing to Pancho Villa's right.
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_131815
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_131843-131959
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_132414
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_133103
Nick the Hiker: MVI_0056
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_133153
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_133658
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_133705
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_133744
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0043
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0044
Nick the Hiker: 20231129_134038
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0046
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0073