Nick the Hiker: 20231030_074902_Black oak tree across Big Pines Visitor Center
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_080055
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_080655
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_080725_Jackson Lake (EL 6,100’+/-)
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_080835
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0006_32F at the Trailhead, ……luckily, calm wind and sunny.
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0010
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0018_Jackson Lake Trail
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0021
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_084757
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0031
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_090211
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_090350
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_090405
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_090448
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_090618
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_090750
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_090930
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_091010
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_091334
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_092622
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0047_Wright’s buckwheat
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0048_Indian paintbrush
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0050_PCT at Jackson Flat Campground
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0054
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_111314
Nick the Hiker: 20231030_111352_with Deborah (left)
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0062_Jackson Flat Observation Tower (closed)
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0066
Nick the Hiker: MVI_0083