Nick the Hiker:
MVI_0001_West Fork of San Gabriel River
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
MVI_0004_West Fork of San Gabriel River
Nick the Hiker:
MVI_0006_West Fork of San Gabriel River
Nick the Hiker:
MVI_0007_West Fork of San Gabriel River
Nick the Hiker:
20231014_082925_Devils Canyon Dam Truck Trail (Forest Route 2N25)
Nick the Hiker:
MVI_0011_Seasonal waterfall at 1.3 mile
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0012_California fuchsia
Nick the Hiker:
20231014_085023_West Fork of San Gabriel River
Nick the Hiker:
20231014_085944_Devils Canyon Dam Truck Trail (Forest Route 2N25)
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0017_Scarlet Monkeyflower
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0022_Hooker’s primrose
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0033_California Fuchsia
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0034_Devils Canyon Dam Truck Trail (Forest Route 2N25)
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0040_Devils Canyon Dam Truck Trail (Forest Route 2N25)
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
20231014_091950_Devils Canyon Dam Truck Trail (Forest Route 2N25)
Nick the Hiker:
20231014_092140_Few-flowered naked buckwheat
Nick the Hiker:
20231014_092349_West Fork of San Gabriel River
Nick the Hiker:
20231014_092435_Devils Canyon Dam Truck Trail (Forest Route 2N25)
Nick the Hiker:
20231014_092756_picnic table (~2.5 miles from start on Devils Canyon Dam Truck Trail (Forest Route 2N25))
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
20231014_093808_Devils Canyon Dam Truck Trail (Forest Route 2N25)
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
20231014_093955_Devils Canyon Dam Truck Trail (Forest Route 2N25)
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
20231014_094234_Devils Canyon Dam Truck Trail (Forest Route 2N25)
Nick the Hiker:
20231014_094331_Seasonal waterfall