Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0001_Edith and Al joined us a little bit later on the trail
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0004_Giant blazing star, Mentzelia laevicaulis
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0015_Falls Road
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0016_San Antonio Falls (3-tier, 100’ tall)
Nick the Hiker:
20230712_081859_San Antonio Falls (100’ tall)
Nick the Hiker:
20230712_082021_San Antonio Falls (3-tier 100’tall)
Nick the Hiker:
20230712_082945_Baldy Road
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
20230712_083043_Baldy Road
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0025_Mountain mahogany
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0027_Trail junction at Baldy Road
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
20230712_083850_Baldy Bowl Trail
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0036_Telephoto view of Baldy Bowl from the trail
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0041_Baldy Bowl Trail
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
20230712_091422_Ontario Ridge in background
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0050_Baldy Bowl Trail
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0056_Indian paintbrush
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0061_Chaparral yucca
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0073_Joan at two rocks dubbed “Boulder Gate” ......a faint use trail leads to the remains of Gold Ridge more at
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0077_Baldy Bowl Trail
Nick the Hiker:
Giant Red Paintbrush (Castilleja miniata), Photo by Deborah Nakamoto, modified to fit 16:9 format
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0089_Baldy Bowl
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0091_Pinnacles above Baldy Bowl
Nick the Hiker:
MVI_0092_Grinnell’s penstemon