Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0001_Trailhead at Mt. Pinos Nordic Base, Cuddy Valley Rd, Frazier Park, CA 93225
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IMG_0008_Blue-eyed Mary, Collinsia parryi
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IMG_0016+_Western wallflower, Erysimum capitatum
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IMG_0035_Pussypaws (Calyptridium monospermum)
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IMG_0040_Pursh's milkvetch, Astragalus purshii var. tinctus
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IMG_0045_Ground covered with mountain phlox
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IMG_0048_Southern mountain phlox, Phlox austromontana
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IMG_0060_Pursh's milkvetch, Astragalus purshii var. tinctus
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IMG_0062_ Martin's paintbrush, Castilleja applegatei ssp. martinii
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IMG_0075_Burlew's onion, Allium burlewii
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IMG_0082_Pine Lousewort, Bearded Lousewort, (Pedicularis semibarbata). Like many species in the broomrape family, the lousewort is a root-parasite.
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MVI_0114_Mountain blue penstemon, Penstemon laetus
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MVI_0091_Mountain blue penstemon, Penstemon laetus
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MVI_0092_Mountain blue penstemon, Penstemon laetus
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IMG_0086+0089_Mountain blue penstemon, Penstemon laetus
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IMG_0113_Mt. Pinos
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MVI_0155_Mountain blue penstemon, Penstemon laetus
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IMG_0156_Mountain blue penstemon, Penstemon laetus
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MVI_0169_Mountain blue penstemon, Penstemon laetus
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IMG_0167_Mountain blue penstemon, Penstemon laetus
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IMG_0186_Milk vetch
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Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0200_Milk vetch
Nick the Hiker: