Nick the Hiker: 01_IMG_0000
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_135239_Lupine on Bane Canyon Road
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_135318_Lupine on Bane Canyon Road
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_115850_Bane Ridge Trailhead across Rolling M Ranch CG
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_121149
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_121134_Snow-capped Baldy in distance
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_121529_Canterbury bell
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_121850_California poppy
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_121952
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_122231
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_122338_Goldfields
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_122409_Canterbury bells and poppy
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_122420_California poppy
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_122843
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_123219
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_123136_Ground lotus
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_123427
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_123359
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_124100
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_124055
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_123620_Johnny jump-up, Violet
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_130434
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_124703_Snow-capped peaks of San Gabriel Mountains
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_130130
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_130724_Red maids
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_131210_White sage
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_131540R
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_123645_Gilia
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_131647
Nick the Hiker: 20230415_131949_Chia and Poppy