Nick the Hiker: IMG_0001
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0004
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0005_ Clustered broom-rape, Orobanche fasciculata
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0014
Nick the Hiker: MVI_0015_San Antonio Falls (100’ tall)
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0018_ San Antonio Falls
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0024
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0031_Baldy Bowl and Ski Hut
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0033_Baldy Bowl Trail
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0038
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0039_ Baldy Bowl Trail
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0045_Indian paintbrush and Grinnell’s penstemon
Nick the Hiker: MVI_0048
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0049_Ontario Ridge in background
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0051_Yellow pincushion (Chaenactis glabriuscula)
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0056_Martin’s paintbrush (Castilleja applegatei)
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0057_ Baldy Bowl Trail
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0068+0070_Grinnell’s penstemon (Penstemon grinnellii)
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0075_ Baldy Bowl Trail
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0083_ Baldy Bowl Trail
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0086_ Baldy Bowl Trail
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0092
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0093_ Stream Orchid (Epipactis gigantea)
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0099_ Stream Orchid (Epipactis gigantea)
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0095_ Stream Orchid (Epipactis gigantea)
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0102_ Stream Orchid (Epipactis gigantea)
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0107_ Baldy Bowl Trail
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0112_ Baldybowl Trail
Nick the Hiker: MVI_0113
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0115_Pinnacles above Baldy Bowl