Nick the Hiker: 20211004_082538_2021-10-04_Trailhead: PCT (North) at Mill Creek Summit
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_083634_Mountain mahogany, aka monkey tail
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_084237_2021-10-04_PCT (North) at Mill Creek Summit
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_085248
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_085933
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_090839
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_091505
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_092903
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_093429
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_094209
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_094300
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_094803
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_094822
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_095424
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_100813
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_101035
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_101120
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_101759
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_104222
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_105541
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_105636
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_114210_Mt. Gleason in background
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_121529
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_122305_PCT thru hiker from Canada
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_123741
Nick the Hiker: 20211004_160555