Nick the Hiker: IMG_0003_Manker Flat Trailhead on Falls Road off Mt. Baldy Road
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0004
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0005
Nick the Hiker: MVI_0007_San Antonio Falls
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0008_ San Antonio Falls
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0016
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0018
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0023_Baldy Bowl with Ski Hut (green roof)
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0031_Yerba Santa
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0038
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0058_Chaparral yucca
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0062_ Chaparral yucca
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0063_ Chaparral yucca
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0068
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0070
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0081
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0085
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0094_Ski Hut in background
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0095_Paintbrush
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0104_Blue-eyed grass
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0112_Grinnell’s Penstemon
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0123
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0125_Bigelow’s sneezeweed
Nick the Hiker: MVI_0141
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0137
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0138_Pinnacles above Baldy Bowl
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0144
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0147
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0149
Nick the Hiker: MVI_0172