Nick the Hiker: IMG_0003_Trailhead at Rimcrest Drive in Yorba Linda
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0005_Snails on Thistle plant
Nick the Hiker: MVI_0219
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0012_Bull Thistle (non-native) with South Ridge Trail in background
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0014_Black walnut tree
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0020_Gilman Trail
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0031_Bull Thistle (non-native)
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0037
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0044_Gilman Trail
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0045
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0056_Gilman Peak (1685’)
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0062
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0067_Purple sage
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0088_White sage
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0149_Black sage
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0092+0072+0147_(L-R): White, Purple, and Black sage
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0074_ Slender Tarweed (Hemizonia ramosissima)
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0078
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0096_North Ridge Trail
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0099_Pearly Everlasting
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0108_Bush mallow
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0115_Bush mallow
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0124_California buckwheat
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0126_Deer weed
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0127_Coyote gourd, Coyote melon
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0130_Looking back at Gilman Peak
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0132
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0151_Lupine
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0156_Lupine