bubbl3yb3cky: Walk on water and condemn us all to death.
bubbl3yb3cky: She sell, sea shell, on the sea shore.
bubbl3yb3cky: Patchwork land.
bubbl3yb3cky: Lost searching for a way out but modern technology had consumed us.
bubbl3yb3cky: Stand tall.
bubbl3yb3cky: Just over the boarder it's like a new world.
bubbl3yb3cky: burst into life..
bubbl3yb3cky: When we are happy the world lights up, but when our problems seep through the heavens open and destroy.
bubbl3yb3cky: Walking reflects, shadowing a life you once had..
bubbl3yb3cky: You caught me in your web, and now there's no hope for me..
bubbl3yb3cky: Put one foot wrong and you slip into a void of hopelessness and nothingness...
bubbl3yb3cky: On the path to hell.
bubbl3yb3cky: It's perfect until the gaps appear...
bubbl3yb3cky: Trying to get higher in the world, but your weighing me down!
bubbl3yb3cky: For all those special occasions damped by sadness.
bubbl3yb3cky: Come closer, let me whisper in your ear, destroy you all so perfect world..
bubbl3yb3cky: Come hide with me amongst the tall tall corn, we'll make a den and play a while..
bubbl3yb3cky: The friendly cow...
bubbl3yb3cky: Stars don't only lay above but below on the earths surface.
bubbl3yb3cky: Lets explore the beautiful world, together.
bubbl3yb3cky: Hold on to what you've got as before you know it you've lost everything.
bubbl3yb3cky: So many other fish in the sea, flowers in the flower bed and clouds in the sky.
bubbl3yb3cky: Small things mean the most together...
bubbl3yb3cky: Grab me tight like your never going to let go.
bubbl3yb3cky: The hot weather brings all the boys out...
bubbl3yb3cky: Look what the cat dragged in....
bubbl3yb3cky: Amber, man is a dogs best friend...
bubbl3yb3cky: You can't get too close to beauty before it leaves and runs away...
bubbl3yb3cky: You only see what I want you to see, I can play the game as good as you, bring it on!
bubbl3yb3cky: Beautiful with nothing on, no clothes, no make-up, nothing, your perfect