Paul Carroll - UK: Picos from Velas on Sao Jorge
Paul Carroll - UK: 20050728_sao_miguel_0056
Paul Carroll - UK: Looking over to Picos from Sao Jorge
Paul Carroll - UK: Looking over to Picos
Paul Carroll - UK: Velas on Sao Jorge
Paul Carroll - UK: Sao Jorge coastal settlement
Paul Carroll - UK: Velas, Sao Jorge
Paul Carroll - UK: Church on Sao Jorge
Paul Carroll - UK: Horta on Faial
Paul Carroll - UK: Horta waterfront
Paul Carroll - UK: Visiting yachts leave their mark .....
Paul Carroll - UK: Looking north towards Santa Cruz, Flores
Paul Carroll - UK: The beautiful Flores coastline
Paul Carroll - UK: The beautiful interior of Flores
Paul Carroll - UK: Twin lakes on Flores - with wild hydrangea
Paul Carroll - UK: Church and Waterfall on Flores
Paul Carroll - UK: Faja Grande on Flores
Paul Carroll - UK: Furnas, Sao Miguel
Paul Carroll - UK: Southeast Coast of Sao Miguel
Paul Carroll - UK: Furnas Street
Paul Carroll - UK: Northeast Coast of Sao Miguel
Paul Carroll - UK: Corvo Town
Paul Carroll - UK: Looking towards Corvo
Paul Carroll - UK: Santa Cruz das Flores
Paul Carroll - UK: Looking down to Ponta Delgada, Flores
Paul Carroll - UK: Looking to Corvo
Paul Carroll - UK: Looking Southwest from Ponta Delgada
Paul Carroll - UK: Ponta Delgada Lighthouse
Paul Carroll - UK: The old whaling factory in Santa Cruz, Flores, Azores