Seth Ausubel:
Familiar Bluet, Enallagma civile, Kachina Village Wetlands, Coconino County, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
Clear-winged Grasshopper, Camnula pellucida, Kachina Village Wetlands, Coconino County, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
Clear-winged Grasshopper, Camnula pellucida, Kachina Village Wetlands, Coconino County, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
Migratory Grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes, Kachina Village Wetlands, Coconino County, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
Ant, Formica sp., male alate, Kachina Village Wetlands, Coconino County, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
Ant, Formica sp., male alate, Kachina Village Wetlands, Coconino County, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
American Three-toed Woodpecker, male, Lockett Meadow Rd., Coconino National Forest, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
American Three-toed Woodpecker, male, Lockett Meadow Rd., Coconino National Forest, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
American Three-toed Woodpecker, female, Lockett Meadow Rd., Coconino National Forest, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
American Three-toed Woodpecker, female, Lockett Meadow Rd., Coconino National Forest, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
Marble Canyon from Navajo Bridge
Seth Ausubel:
Navajo Bridge and Vermillion Cliffs, Marble Canyon, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
Pronotal Range Grasshopper, Cratypedes neglectus, Deer Lake, Kaibab National Forest, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
California Tortoiseshell, Nymphalis californica, Deer Lake, Kaibab National Forest, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
Weidemeyer's Admiral, Limenitis weidemeyerii, Deer Lake, Kaibab National Forest, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
Weidemeyer's Admiral, Limenitis weidemeyerii, Deer Lake, Kaibab National Forest, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
Arctic Blue, Plebejus glandon punctatus, Deer Lake, Kaibab National Forest, AZ, 1 of 3
Seth Ausubel:
Arctic Blue, Plebejus glandon punctatus, Deer Lake, Kaibab National Forest, AZ, 2 of 3
Seth Ausubel:
Arctic Blue, Plebejus glandon punctatus, Deer Lake, Kaibab National Forest, AZ, 3 of 3
Seth Ausubel:
Russet Skipperling, Piruna pirus, Deer Lake, Kaibab National Forest, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
Garita Skipperling, Oarisma garita, Deer Lake, Kaibab National Forest, AZ, 1 of 3
Seth Ausubel:
Garita Skipperling, Oarisma garita, Deer Lake, Kaibab National Forest, AZ, 2 of 3
Seth Ausubel:
Garita Skipperling, Oarisma garita, Deer Lake, Kaibab National Forest, AZ, 3 of 3
Seth Ausubel:
Dotted Blue, Euphilotes enoptes, Deer Lake, Kaibab National Forest, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
Case-bearing Leaf Beetle, Coleothorpa vittigera, Deer Lake, Kaibab National Forest, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
Case-bearing Leaf Beetle, Coleothorpa vittigera, Deer Lake, Kaibab National Forest, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
Slendertube skyrocket, Ipomopsis tenuituba ssp. latiloba, Deer Lake, Kaibab National Forest, AZ
Seth Ausubel:
Kaibab National Forest wildflower meadow
Seth Ausubel:
Kaibab National Forest wildflower meadow
Seth Ausubel:
Kaibab National Forest wildflower meadow