Seth Ausubel: Dark-winged Fungus Gnat, Family Sciaridae, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Rove Beetle larva, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Unidentified Darkling Beetle larva, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: White Moss, Leucobryum albidum, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Speckled Green Fruitworm Moth, Orthosia hibisci, caterpillar, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Fall Cankerworm, Alsophila pometaria, caterpillar, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY, 1 of 3
Seth Ausubel: Fall Cankerworm, Alsophila pometaria, caterpillar, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY, 1 of 3
Seth Ausubel: Fall Cankerworm, Alsophila pometaria, caterpillar, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY, 2 of 3
Seth Ausubel: Fall Cankerworm, Alsophila pometaria, caterpillar, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY, 3 of 3
Seth Ausubel: Fall Cankerworm, Alsophila pometaria, caterpillar, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY, 3 of 3
Seth Ausubel: Half-wing, Phigalia titea, caterpillar, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: False Leptura Beetle, Cephaloon lepturides, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Ruby Quaker, Orthosia rubescens, caterpillar, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Ruby Quaker, Orthosia rubescens, caterpillar, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Scarab Beetle, Dichelonyx diluta, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Treehopper, Cyrtolobus fuliginosus, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Treehopper, Cyrtolobus fuliginosus, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Syrphid Fly, Mallota posticata, male, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Syrphid Fly, Mallota posticata, male, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Eastern Regal Oak Mirid, Pseudoxenetus regalis, form "scutellatus", Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Eastern Regal Oak Mirid, Pseudoxenetus regalis, form "scutellatus", Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Blurry Chocolate Angle, Macaria transitaria, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Plant Bug, Lopidea sp., nymph, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Comb-clawed Beetle, Capnochroa fuliginosa, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY, 1 of 2
Seth Ausubel: Comb-clawed Beetle, Capnochroa fuliginosa, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY, 2 of 2
Seth Ausubel: Unidentified Broad-nosed Weevil, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Unidentified Broad-nosed Weevil, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Unidentified Broad-nosed Weevil, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Black Cherry Leaf Gall Mite, Eriophyes cerasicrumena, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY
Seth Ausubel: Pipsissewa, Chimaphila umbellata, Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve, Oyster Bay, NY