Seth Ausubel:
Northern Cloudywing, Thorybes pylades, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Albany, NY
Seth Ausubel:
LeConte's Tiger Beetle, Cicindela scutellaris lecontei, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Albany, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Common Roadside-Skipper, Amblyscirtes vialis, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Albany, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Assassin Bug, Zelus luridus, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Albany, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Alfalfa Plant Bug, Adelphocoris lineolatus, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Albany, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Treehopper, Cyrtolobus parvulus, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Albany, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Crimson-ringed Whiteface, Leucorrhinia glacialis, and Chalk-fronted Corporal, Ladona julia, Madawaska Franklin County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Canadian Tiger Swallowtail, Papilio canadensis, Madawaska Franklin County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
White-banded Black Moth, Rheumaptera subhastata, or Spear-marked Black Moth, R. hastata, Madawaska, Franklin County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Running Crab Spider, Family Philodromidae, Madawaska, Franklin County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Silver-bordered Fritillary, Boloria selene, Madawaska, Franklin County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Arctic Skipper, Carterocephalus palaemon, Madawaska, Franklin County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Oblique-lined Tiger Beetle, Cicindela tranquebarica, Madawaska, Franklin County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
White Admiral, Limenitis arthemis near ssp. rubrofasciata, Madawaska, Franklin County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Hagen's Bluet, Enallagma hageni, Blue Mountain Rd., Franklin County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Bee-like Robber Fly, Laphria canis complex, Blue Mountain Rd., Franklin County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Jumping Spider, Phidippus clarus, Long Lake, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Syrphid Fly, Sericomyia chrysotoxoides, Hewitt Eddy Trail, Essex County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Net-winged Beetle, Leptoceletes basalis, male, Hewitt Eddy Trail, Essex County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Tanypeza sp., Hewitt Eddy Trail, Essex County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Common Sawfly, Tenthredo verticalis, Hewitt Eddy Trail, Essex County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Jumping Spider, Pelegrina sp., Hewitt Eddy Trail, Essex County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Ichneumonid Wasp, Cratichneumon sp., Hewitt Eddy Trail, Essex County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Aurora Damsel, Chromagrion conditum, Hewitt Eddy Trail, Essex County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Red Eft, Notophthalmus viridescens, Hewitt Eddy Trail, Essex County, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Ruffed Grouse, Long Lake, NY
Seth Ausubel:
Karner Blue, Plebejus melissa samuelis, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, 1 of 2
Seth Ausubel:
Karner Blue, Plebejus melissa samuelis, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, 1 of 2
Seth Ausubel:
Karner Blue, Plebejus melissa samuelis, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, 2 of 2
Seth Ausubel:
Karner Blue, Plebejus melissa samuelis, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, 2 of 2