Seth Ausubel: Musicians statue, St John's
Seth Ausubel: American Bluet, Enallagma sp., MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Carpet Moth, Dysstroma sp., possibly Orange-Spotted Carpet Moth, Dysstroma walkerata, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Crimson-ringed Whiteface, Leucorrhinia glacialis, mating pair, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Crimson-ringed Whiteface, Leucorrhinia glacialis, mating pair, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Half-black Bumble Bee, Bombus vagans bolsteri, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Green Frog, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Canada or Belted Whiteface, Leucorrhinia patricia or proxima, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Canada or Belted Whiteface, Leucorrhinia patricia or proxima, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Confusing Bumble Bee, Bombus perplexus, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Confusing Bumble Bee, Bombus perplexus, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Eastern Forktail, Ischnura verticalis, male, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Eastern Forktail, Ischnura verticalis, male, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Flower Longhorn, Evodinus monticola, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Flower Longhorn, Evodinus monticola, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Lake Darner, Aeshna eremita, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Northern Amber Bumble Bee, Bombus borealis, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Northern Amber Bumble Bee, Bombus borealis, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Eastern Phantom Crane Fly, Bittacomorpha clavipes, mating pair, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Eastern Phantom Crane Fly, Bittacomorpha clavipes, mating pair, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Red Squirrel, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Anthomyiidae (Root-Maggot Flies): Unidentified, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Anthomyiidae (Root-Maggot Flies): Unidentified, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Rusty Tussock Moth, Orgyia antiqua, caterpillar, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Rusty Tussock Moth, Orgyia antiqua, caterpillar, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Sempervivum geigeri, Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Powder Moth, Eufidonia sp., possibly Sharp-lined Powder Moth, E. discospilata, MUN Botanical Garden, St. John's, NL
Seth Ausubel: Snow Crab at The Merchants Tavern, St. John's
Seth Ausubel: Cauliflower steak and shrimp at The Merchants Tavern, St John's