Seth Ausubel:
Common Ravens nested on this water tower in Kew Gardens, Queens from 2009-2011. This was the first record of nesting Common Ravens in New York City or Long Island.
Seth Ausubel:
Common Raven adult feeding nestlings. Looks like a piece of bread! May 1, 2010.
Seth Ausubel:
Common Raven adult with nestling. May 16, 2010.
Seth Ausubel:
Three large and raucous Common Raven nestlings! May 21, 2010.
Seth Ausubel:
Raven nest on water tower, Kew Gardens, NY (2010)
Seth Ausubel:
Common Raven fledglings, May 31, 2010.
Seth Ausubel:
The nest in 2011 with adult raven brooding (April 16). The nest was later abandoned.