chris.lloydrogers: a stunning new day
chris.lloydrogers: flight of the blossomcrown
chris.lloydrogers: searching for flies
chris.lloydrogers: hummingbird
chris.lloydrogers: master of flight
chris.lloydrogers: humversation?
chris.lloydrogers: woodpecker
chris.lloydrogers: a sparkle in the forest!
chris.lloydrogers: white-necked jacobin
chris.lloydrogers: Just sitting in the rain..
chris.lloydrogers: golden-winged sparrow
chris.lloydrogers: crimson-backed tanager
chris.lloydrogers: palm tanager
chris.lloydrogers: buff-throated saltator
chris.lloydrogers: brush-finch close-up
chris.lloydrogers: a sweet treat!
chris.lloydrogers: bad feather day?
chris.lloydrogers: angry bird
chris.lloydrogers: another humversation