The Gifted Photographer:
Leaves like painted jewels, so very pleasing to the eye.
The Gifted Photographer:
a burning bush of autumn
The Gifted Photographer:
“How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.” John Burroughs
The Gifted Photographer:
classic autumn image
The Gifted Photographer:
classic autumn image
The Gifted Photographer:
classic autumn image
The Gifted Photographer:
ornamental grasses in autumn
The Gifted Photographer:
dogwood in autumn
The Gifted Photographer:
the jewels of autumn
The Gifted Photographer:
the beauty of a southern autumn
The Gifted Photographer:
bejeweled leaves of autumn
The Gifted Photographer:
love me or leaf me ..
The Gifted Photographer:
sweet October memories will linger through the year ...
The Gifted Photographer:
October ends with a bang .. such exquisite colors!
The Gifted Photographer:
the beauty of each leaf ...
The Gifted Photographer:
October beauty
The Gifted Photographer:
the vibrant days of autumn
The Gifted Photographer:
The warmth of a golden autumn
The Gifted Photographer:
autumn's jewel tones
The Gifted Photographer:
impaled autumn leaves
The Gifted Photographer:
"October gave a party; The leaves by hundreds came- The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples, And leaves of every name. The Sunshine spread a carpet, And everything was grand, Miss Weather led the dancing, Professor Wind the band."
The Gifted Photographer:
Autumn tapestry of vivid colors