The Gifted Photographer:
Colors on black make for interesting viewing ...
The Gifted Photographer:
Silver-Spotted Skipper Butterfly - Epargyreus clarus
The Gifted Photographer:
Coneflower, Purple - Echinacea Purpurea
The Gifted Photographer:
Kwanzo Double Daylily
The Gifted Photographer:
"Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness"
The Gifted Photographer:
daylilies of early summer
The Gifted Photographer:
crepe myrtle: Lagerstroemia indica Linnaeus
The Gifted Photographer:
Bee-ing bewilderingly beneficial ... Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
The Gifted Photographer:
MIMOSA (SILK TREE) ... Albizia julibrissin
The Gifted Photographer:
Hemerocallis daylily
The Gifted Photographer:
Kwanzo Double Daylily ... the only known triploid day lily
The Gifted Photographer:
Hemerocallis fulva ... daylily
The Gifted Photographer:
The Oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia)
The Gifted Photographer:
Amaryllis and porcelain pal
The Gifted Photographer:
Magnolia grandiflora
The Gifted Photographer:
Silk Tree, 'Albizzia julibrissin' (mimosa)
The Gifted Photographer:
Silk Tree ... neon powderpuffs all over!
The Gifted Photographer:
Mimosa bee
The Gifted Photographer:
ah, sweet mystery of life ... or "ladybug love"
The Gifted Photographer:
day lilies
The Gifted Photographer:
Memorial Day magnolia
The Gifted Photographer:
The Oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia)
The Gifted Photographer:
Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa)
The Gifted Photographer:
The Gifted Photographer:
Magnolia grandiflora
The Gifted Photographer:
Silk Tree, 'Albizzia julibrissin' (mimosa)
The Gifted Photographer:
white flowers of May
The Gifted Photographer:
Kniphofia, Red Hot Pokers, Torch Lilies or Tritomas