The Gifted Photographer:
golden petals signal the beginning of autumn
The Gifted Photographer:
Rudbeckia hirta Prairie Sun
The Gifted Photographer:
those lazy, crazy, hazy days of summer ...
The Gifted Photographer:
The Gifted Photographer:
Clivia miniata (commonly known as Kaffir lily or Bush lily)
The Gifted Photographer:
heart of the sunflower
The Gifted Photographer:
out of the darkness, emerges beauty
The Gifted Photographer:
Canna 'Yellow King Humbert'
The Gifted Photographer:
Rudbeckia hirta Prairie Sun
The Gifted Photographer:
Hemerocallis daylily
The Gifted Photographer:
Hemerocallis daylily
The Gifted Photographer:
The Gifted Photographer:
Iris 'Harvest of Memories'
The Gifted Photographer:
California Gold
The Gifted Photographer:
Phaius hybrid
The Gifted Photographer:
a few orchids to please the eye ... Dendrobium thyrsiflorum
The Gifted Photographer:
Rhododendron canescens (Florida pinxter, Hoary azalea, Piedmont azalea)
The Gifted Photographer:
Ranunculus: Persian Buttercup
The Gifted Photographer:
after so many rainy days last week, a beautiful flower appears ...
The Gifted Photographer:
bringing spring indoors
The Gifted Photographer:
The Gifted Photographer:
Coreopsis lanceolata with friend
The Gifted Photographer:
Rudbeckia hirta 'Prairie Sun'
The Gifted Photographer:
Coreopsis lanceolata
The Gifted Photographer:
Coreopsis lanceolata
The Gifted Photographer:
“Love is like wildflowers; It's often found in the most unlikely places.”