The Gifted Photographer: Achillea millefolium or yarrow
The Gifted Photographer: Magnolia grandiflora (with a "friend!)
The Gifted Photographer: Magnolia grandiflora bloom
The Gifted Photographer: balm for the soul ...
The Gifted Photographer: un hommage à la fleur blanche
The Gifted Photographer: Law library in the Israeli Supreme Court building
The Gifted Photographer: Queen Anne's Lace
The Gifted Photographer: Magnolia grandiflora
The Gifted Photographer: Magnolia grandiflora bloom
The Gifted Photographer: Campanula rotundifolia: "little bellflowers"
The Gifted Photographer: the spider ...
The Gifted Photographer: solitary hosta flower welcomes the weekend!
The Gifted Photographer: Hallucinogenic plants: beware .. beautiful but ....
The Gifted Photographer: Datura stramonium (Moonflower) fully opened
The Gifted Photographer: Campanula rotundifolia
The Gifted Photographer: Campanula rotundifolia
The Gifted Photographer: Campanula rotundifolia
The Gifted Photographer: "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité!"
The Gifted Photographer: this is a completely new flower that I have yet to experience ...
The Gifted Photographer: Harebell, Campanula rotundifolia
The Gifted Photographer: crepe myrtle: Lagerstroemia indica Linnaeus
The Gifted Photographer: crepe myrtle: Lagerstroemia indica Linnaeus
The Gifted Photographer: crepe myrtle: Lagerstroemia indica Linnaeus
The Gifted Photographer: crepe myrtle: Lagerstroemia indica Linnaeus