seiji2012: Reflection (Ginza, Tokyo)
Gabor Gabor: Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
J.R. Rondeau: Dancing lights
cnmark: Munich - Schwabinger Bach
cnmark: Munich - Frauenkirche
roberto parmiggiani: Hoopoe - Upupa
*ines_maria: …spiderman…
Lato-Pictures: A fallen leaf...
K&E-mount: 荒尾干拓
K&E-mount: Night Shot
K&E-mount: View from the mountaintop
Mobile Lynn: The Little Owl and the Hoopoe 904_0324.jpg
Lato-Pictures: Some people....
Lato-Pictures: Morning ceremony
Lato-Pictures: Beach music
Lato-Pictures: Castle in the Clouds
Lato-Pictures: Storm days by the sea....
Lato-Pictures: Fantasy...
Lato-Pictures: Early Fog
micbornard: US - séquoias
byron bauer: Cadillac Mountain
linke64: Symmetrie am Rapsfeld
edinei montingelli: Someway I feel you aren't here.
MEA Images: opposing Mittens, Monument Valley, AZ
MEA Images: leading line...
ricardocarmonafdez: Last wave at sunset
yoosangchoo: Salisbury Cathedral Font and Reflections
HOWARD BRODSKY ON & OFF: " Osprey" Waterdown Burlington.......... For Harry Mac....."WATERDOWN I SAY LOLOLOLOLO "
HOWARD BRODSKY ON & OFF: "Eagle Battle" : Newfoundland "Horsechops" at the mouth of the Atlantic Ocean in front of a deep cave at the exit of Princeton Bay