steve_whitmarsh: Bridge to nowhere
steve_whitmarsh: I Remember When All This Was Fields
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Floods
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - Marching Through the Flood Waters
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - This Should All Be Fields
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - Encroaching Mists
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - At it's height this Road was covered
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Floods - The Sign Says It All
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - The Kintore to Hatton-of-Fintray road is closed
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - The River Don draining across the Kintore to Hatton-of-Fintray road
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - Still lots of water to drain
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Floods - Mists Encroaching on the fields emerging from the flood waters
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Floods - This Should be Fields
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - The Course of the River normall runs to the right of this bush
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - Mists on The Flood Waters
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - Starting to freeze
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - Stuck in the Ice
steve_whitmarsh: Err, Yeah - The Sign's Right!!
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - Across to Kintore Gold Club
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - As Far As the Eye Can See
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - A Train Runs By It
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - The Entire Kintore to Hatton-of-Fintray road is flooded
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - From the Graveyard
steve_whitmarsh: Kintore Flood - No Access Here