roy_francoise: DSC_1427
roy_francoise: White folding
roy_francoise: Gone with the wind
roy_francoise: Tent skin
roy_francoise: Fabric fire
roy_francoise: Geometrical blue
roy_francoise: Uncertain curtains
roy_francoise: Sibling sweaters
roy_francoise: Lighting game
roy_francoise: Traditional dress from Agua Dulce
roy_francoise: Color fiesta
roy_francoise: Red through fabric
roy_francoise: Born to be free
roy_francoise: Need sunscreen
roy_francoise: Fiesta ahead
roy_francoise: No need to be scared
roy_francoise: Crowded with color
roy_francoise: Tapestry with birds
roy_francoise: Folding roof
roy_francoise: Devilish laundry
roy_francoise: I dry better this way
roy_francoise: Hand-woven
roy_francoise: Faceless but dressed in silk
roy_francoise: Black hole
roy_francoise: Human white cranes
roy_francoise: Peacocks but not real ones
roy_francoise: Rocks and garment
roy_francoise: Ceremonial clothing