Alice 2019:
Misty Sunset
Alice 2019:
Suicide Cliff, Kowloon Peak
Alice 2019:
紫玉蘭 Magnolia Liliiflora (Lily Magnolia)
Alice 2019:
紫玉蘭 Magnolia Liliiflora (Lily Magnolia)
Alice 2019:
紫玉蘭 Magnolia Liliiflora (Lily Magnolia)
Alice 2019:
簕杜鵑 Perilla
Alice 2019:
吊鐘花 Chinese New Year Flower
Alice 2019:
吊鐘花 Chinese New Year Flower
Alice 2019:
Hong Kong
Alice 2019:
Common pheasant
Alice 2019:
簕杜鵑 Perilla
Alice 2019:
Growing up....
Alice 2019:
Bud in dream.....
Alice 2019:
Alice 2019:
Alice 2019:
金盞花 (金盞菊 ) Calendula officinalis
Alice 2019:
白鶴芋 (白掌,一帆風順) Spathiphyllum kochii Engl. & K. Krause
Alice 2019:
View through the windows
Alice 2019:
日暮 At the end of the day
Alice 2019:
Lesser flamingo
Alice 2019:
Lesser flamingo
Alice 2019:
Hong Kong Hotspots - Quarry Bay “Monster Building”
Alice 2019:
Look up to the sky
Alice 2019:
Spring splendor
Alice 2019:
Red flower
Alice 2019:
洋地黃 Digitalis
Alice 2019:
藍眼菊 Osteospermum
Alice 2019:
花開富貴,蝴蝶蘭 Butterfly orchid (Phalaenopsis)
Alice 2019:
ㄧ點紅 Red