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Triangolo Lariano Fauna by by emmeci
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by emmeci
Calf at mountain pasture - Vitello al pascolo_001
by emmeci
Cows at mountain pasture - Mucche al pascolo_001
by emmeci
Black-veined White - Pieride del biancospino (Aporia crataegi)
by emmeci
Black-veined White - Pieride del biancospino (Aporia crataegi)_003
by emmeci
Brimstone - Cedronella (Gonepteryx Rhamni)_001
by emmeci
Marbled White - Galatea ( Melanargia_galathea)_001
by emmeci
Marbled White - Galatea (Melanargia galathea)
by emmeci
Marbled White - Galatea (Melanargia galathea)
by emmeci
Swallowtail - Macaone (Papilio machaon)
by emmeci
Silver-washed Fritillary - Pafia (Argynnis paphia)
by emmeci
Silver-washed Fritillary - Pafia (Argynnis paphia)
by emmeci
Small Pearl-borded Fritillary - Selene (Clossiana selene)_010
by emmeci
Almond-Eyed Ringlet - Erebia (Erebia alberganus)
by emmeci
Almond-eyed Ringlet - Erebia (Erebia alberganus)_001
by emmeci
Woodland Greyling - Satiro del faggio (Hipparchia fagi)
by emmeci
A moth emerging from a chrysalis_001
by emmeci
A moth emerging from a chrysalis_003
by emmeci
Caterpillar Mullein Moth - Bruco Cucullia del verbasco (Cucullia verbasci)
by emmeci
Carpenter Bee - Xilocopa violacea (Xylocopa violacea)
by emmeci
Hoverfly "dronefly" - Mosca drone ( Eristalis tenax )
by emmeci
Common Carder Bumblebee - Bombo dei pascoli (Bombus pascuorum)_001
by emmeci
Speckled Bush-cricket - Locusta punteggiata (Leptophys punctatissima)
by emmeci
Speckled Bush Cricket - Locusta punteggiata (Lectophys punctatissima)_002
by emmeci
Spotted Longhorn (Rutpela maculata)_001
by emmeci
Buzzard - Poiana (Buteo buteo)_001
by emmeci
Grey Heron - Airone cenerino (Ardea cinerea)_006
by emmeci
Great Crested Grebe - Svasso maggiore (Podiceps cristatus)
by emmeci
Great Crested Grebe mf+ducklings - Svasso maggiore mf e piccoli (Podiceps cristatus)_001
by emmeci
Mallard f with ducklings - Germano reale f con piccoli (Anas platyrhynchos)_008
by emmeci
Coot duckling - Folaga anatroccolo - (Fulica atra)_003
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