the bus man: mcgill's 50WXW
the bus man: first glasgow 32302 LK03NHB
the bus man: first glasgow 32543 SF54OSD
the bus man: first glasgow 32614 SF54TKY
the bus man: first glasgow 32992 Y992YLP
the bus man: first glasgow 33017 LK51UYU
the bus man: first glasgow 33343 LK53EZV
the bus man: first glasgow 33054 LN51GKL
the bus man: first glasgow 37166 SF07FCP
the bus man: first glasgow 37171 SF07FDA
the bus man: first glasgow 37243 YN08LCZ
the bus man: first glasgow 38212 SN09CCE
the bus man: first glasgow 38221 SN09CCZ
the bus man: mcgills G3307 BV08ZWG
the bus man: mcgills I9958 LX51FMA
the bus man: mcgills YJ09CVO
the bus man: essbee, coatbridge EIG1435 (BYW361V)
the bus man: essbee, coatbridge XOV748T
the bus man: essbee coatbridge national fence LUP900T
the bus man: essbee national fence inside
the bus man: essbee coatbridge national fence EGB89T
the bus man: essbee coatbridge national fence TVP864S
the bus man: essbee national fence 4
the bus man: stagecoach western 27232 SK15HCD
the bus man: stagecoach western 28690 YN64AHC
the bus man: stagecoach western 50207 WLT917
the bus man: stagecoach western 53322 SF09ACV
the bus man: stagecoach western 50209 X77SCA
the bus man: stagecoach western 15944 YP63PVD
the bus man: stagecoach western 15945 YP63PVE