the bus man: kmb E500 hybrid ATH2 TA2132
the bus man: kmb 3AV332 HG4407
the bus man: KMB ASV71 KZ7008
the bus man: kmb volvo B9TL E500 AVBE17 PJ4660
the bus man: star ferry bus terminus, hong kong
the bus man: KMB ASC21 PB2337
the bus man: KMB ATS114 KL9327
the bus man: CTB 2 ES4007, RM1873
the bus man: KMB ASV9 JY2958
the bus man: KMB S3N332 FZ8028
the bus man: KMB ATE235 ME8909 & AVBE64 NC5256
the bus man: kmb ATS82 KD2568
the bus man: KMB ATENU143 SH6976
the bus man: kmb E200 AAU5 PV5625
the bus man: ex kmb volvo olympian S3V24 GK9754
the bus man: ex kmb volvo olympian S3V24 GK9754
the bus man: ex kmb volvo olympian S3V16 GK9094
the bus man: ex MTR metrobus 139 EB5604
the bus man: ex KMB AL95 FD8977
the bus man: KMB 3N29 DC3906, 3N40 DC3938 & S3V4 GK2926
the bus man: KMB AP47 JP1369 & my travelling companions
the bus man: KMB AVBWU365 SZ2450
the bus man: CTB 8435 SV6683
the bus man: CTB544 HD4363 & KMB AVBWU22 PJ6316
the bus man: KMB AAU19 PY7153
the bus man: KMB ADS179 HB1205
the bus man: KMB ADS234 JD4139
the bus man: KMB neoplan centroliner AP44 JT697
the bus man: KMB AP47 JT1369
the bus man: KMB AP50 JT1719