Fuddguy: Atocha Train Station clock - Madrid
Fuddguy: Sculpture In Madrid central city
Fuddguy: Madrid turret
Fuddguy: Skylight in our Madrid Hotel (The Westin Palace)
Fuddguy: Guardian of a corner in Madrid
Fuddguy: Top-o-the building bling in Madrid
Fuddguy: Backside of Columbus in Madrid
Fuddguy: Madrid's CentroCentro
Fuddguy: An impressive Madrid clock
Fuddguy: An older guardian of Madrid
Fuddguy: Madrid's Lighthouse of Moncloa (I think)
Fuddguy: Madrid's Almudena Cathedral
Fuddguy: Not Taco-Away
Fuddguy: Another view of the dome of Madrid's Almudena Cathedral
Fuddguy: Rooftop decoration in Madrid
Fuddguy: Statue of Eurico in Madrid
Fuddguy: A slice of life in a little park in downtown Madrid
Fuddguy: A unique street hustle
Fuddguy: A more common street hustle
Fuddguy: Spain's Royal Palace
Fuddguy: Ourdoor lighting at Madrid's Royal Palace
Fuddguy: Another perspective on Madrid's Almudena Cathedral
Fuddguy: Yet another view of the Almudena Cathedral in Madrid
Fuddguy: Madrid Royal Palace street lamp
Fuddguy: More Madrid Royal Palace lighting
Fuddguy: Don't remember who this is, but I thought he was interesting
Fuddguy: One of the pets in Madrid's Royal Palace
Fuddguy: Tapestry coat of arms in Madrid's Royal Palace
Fuddguy: Ceiling corner detail of Madrid's Royal Palace
Fuddguy: Ceiling detail in Madrid's Royal Palace