_johnnelson_: Huntington Library
_johnnelson_: Venice beach couple
_johnnelson_: Chinese Garden
_johnnelson_: Balboa Park Light Post
_johnnelson_: Blacksmith
_johnnelson_: Abbie in the park
_johnnelson_: Pioneer Park
_johnnelson_: It's all south from here
_johnnelson_: Santa Barbara Pier
_johnnelson_: Bookstar
_johnnelson_: Venice Beach Skate Park
_johnnelson_: Another day in Seaport Village
_johnnelson_: Getty curves and lines
_johnnelson_: At the Getty
_johnnelson_: Century
_johnnelson_: It's morphin' time!
_johnnelson_: Pioneer Park Tree
_johnnelson_: Stepping up at the Salk
_johnnelson_: Please seat me at the gliderport
_johnnelson_: Point Loma Lighthouse
_johnnelson_: Solo Flight