malcolmrutherford: cockles and pipis, New Zealand
malcolmrutherford: Taieri Beach, New Zealand
malcolmrutherford: Goat, Gisborne
malcolmrutherford: Euphorbia glauca with Pingao, Whenua Hou, Codfish Island, New Zealand
malcolmrutherford: Uncurling fern fronds
malcolmrutherford: Tramping Track, Whenua Hou, New Zealand
malcolmrutherford: Change of mode of transport. Masons Bay, Stewart Island, New Zealand
malcolmrutherford: Pisa Range, NZ
malcolmrutherford: Green Lake Track, Fiordland, New Zealand
malcolmrutherford: Yellow Eyed Penguin tracks, Whenua Hou, Codfish Island, New Zealand
malcolmrutherford: Kamahi Forest, Whenua Hou, Codfish Island, New Zealand
malcolmrutherford: Rata Forest, Whenua Hou, New Zealand
malcolmrutherford: Cathedral Caves, Catlins, New Zealand
malcolmrutherford: Fake Heads
malcolmrutherford: Like a Rock. Whenua Hou, Codfish Island, New Zealand
malcolmrutherford: Stilbocarpa, Whenua Hou, New Zealand
malcolmrutherford: Euphorbia glauca, Whenua Hou, Codfish Island, New Zealand
malcolmrutherford: View of Sealers bay and the Ruggedies, from the summit of Whenua Hou, Codfish Island
malcolmrutherford: Forest, Whenua Hou, Codfish Island
malcolmrutherford: IMGP7684 Stitch
malcolmrutherford: Beech Forest, Green Lake Track, Fiordland, New Zealand
malcolmrutherford: Kakapo Feeding sign, Whenua Hou, Codfish Island
malcolmrutherford: Leaf in the wind on the sand, Whenua Hou, Codfish Island, New Zealand
malcolmrutherford: There and back again, Sealers Bay, Whenua Hou, Codfish Island, New Zealand
malcolmrutherford: IMGP1666 Stitch