Mary Alice Bowles: Spring Mill State Park in Mitchell Indiana
Mary Alice Bowles: The Meeting Place
Mary Alice Bowles: Mommy and baby taking a break
Mary Alice Bowles: Never out of Grandmother's Lens
Mary Alice Bowles: On to the Mill
Mary Alice Bowles: I would love to be here right now
Mary Alice Bowles: My girls love to wade
Mary Alice Bowles: Heading toward the Old Mill House
Mary Alice Bowles: The Old Mill House
Mary Alice Bowles: School days in Pioneer Village
Mary Alice Bowles: I have a lamp just like this one!!
Mary Alice Bowles: For that special Baby!
Mary Alice Bowles: Beautiful keepsakes of family!
Mary Alice Bowles: ~~What a back yard~~
Mary Alice Bowles: ~A collector's dream~
Mary Alice Bowles: These two were entertaining the children that day!
Mary Alice Bowles: Kathy, Bekah, Morgan, Tinisha, Tammie!
Mary Alice Bowles: My Special Love
Mary Alice Bowles: Now this group was entertaining the older generation!
Mary Alice Bowles: Cheesburgers and hot dogs and he makes the best!!