{tara}: green + white + pretty
{tara}: the front yard
{tara}: all bundled up
{tara}: the tree
{tara}: gift time
{tara}: gift time
{tara}: so comfy
{tara}: 4A. under the tree in ct
{tara}: takin' pictures
{tara}: erik & zaiden
{tara}: abby searching
{tara}: watching
{tara}: petra
{tara}: our family snowflake
{tara}: the chaos
{tara}: zaiden
{tara}: zaiden
{tara}: the boys
{tara}: the boys
{tara}: with dad
{tara}: moi
{tara}: feeding time
{tara}: the table
{tara}: it's cooking
{tara}: the tenderloin
{tara}: cooking
{tara}: playing
{tara}: making his famous salad