leonknook: Stripping down back side
leonknook: Protection rare lens element
leonknook: Protection rare lens element
leonknook: measurement the distance
leonknook: Measurements
leonknook: adding a line
leonknook: taping the line
leonknook: multi tool or dremel
leonknook: start grinding
leonknook: Most dangerus work done!
leonknook: sharp edges
leonknook: choosing an aperture
leonknook: attaching the aperture
leonknook: inner diameter of the aperture
leonknook: outer diameter of the lens barrel
leonknook: depth of the ring to fit
leonknook: The 3D software
leonknook: Navigation setting
leonknook: navigation settings
leonknook: make a 2D sketch first
leonknook: Choose the right plane to work on
leonknook: In Sketch-mode drawing a circle
leonknook: Draw a circle
leonknook: Second circle inner diameter aperture tube
leonknook: pulling the ring out of the ground (extrude)
leonknook: pulling the circle out of the ground
leonknook: export the model to a STL-file
leonknook: Exporting the model to a STL file
leonknook: And what to do with the STL-file?
leonknook: import the STL file into Kiri Moto