ritawei2007: 090219first dinner only Yen 780
ritawei2007: 090219night snack at hotel
ritawei2007: 090220Disney land
ritawei2007: Dis wait1
ritawei2007: has to be pair
ritawei2007: parade finally
ritawei2007: Duck in the park
ritawei2007: Wild bird in the park
ritawei2007: Ginza expensive cafe
ritawei2007: cake set in Ginza expensive cafe
ritawei2007: Sisters
ritawei2007: Mafalda with camera
ritawei2007: Rita with cake2
ritawei2007: Rita with cake
ritawei2007: Smoking room
ritawei2007: catching the train
ritawei2007: Smoky & rain
ritawei2007: Sign in disney
ritawei2007: sign on the street
ritawei2007: Please do it at home
ritawei2007: Power off
ritawei2007: nara post
ritawei2007: Yen 90000 apartment