Simon's utak: Pentax-A 50mm f1.7
Simon's utak: Cinema lights
Simon's utak: A brighter world
Simon's utak: E-type Jag
Simon's utak: London puddle
Simon's utak: Sunday morning
Simon's utak: London fruit and veg. stall
Simon's utak: Yellow handles on the 391 bus
Simon's utak: The yellow doors
Simon's utak: Wet fruit and veg.
Simon's utak: No tipping flies
Simon's utak: Egg and Bacon Tie
Simon's utak: Beer barrels
Simon's utak: Snappy snaps
Simon's utak: Yellow crossing
Simon's utak: The mysterious bicycle blob
Simon's utak: Yellow Vespa
Simon's utak: The yellow Vespa with seat
Simon's utak: London underground train carriage bokeh
Simon's utak: The yellow steps
Simon's utak: Yellow green leaves
Simon's utak: Yellow berries
Simon's utak: Who really needs f1.2?
Simon's utak: S-nap time
Simon's utak: Old yellow shed
Simon's utak: Tennis balls and bokeh balls
Simon's utak: Netball net and bag
Simon's utak: Bananas
Simon's utak: Pentax 50mm f1.7 Hybrid
Simon's utak: Pentax 50/1.7 M&A series mash