Snuffywump: Project 365
Snuffywump: Happy 4th of July!
Snuffywump: I love how yarn looks when it's warped. All tiny and pretty!
Snuffywump: Decisions, decisions!
Snuffywump: I lost my front tooth! Seeeee?
Snuffywump: Jaiden has all the luck!
Snuffywump: Katie's hens lay the best eggs!
Snuffywump: It was so hot, even the lizards are bone dry.
Snuffywump: Lavender loveliness in the front yard
Snuffywump: Thank goodness for battery waranties!!!
Snuffywump: The elixer of life!
Snuffywump: Am I blue?
Snuffywump: Macro weave!
Snuffywump: I own these humans.
Snuffywump: Product review in Knitscene magazine.
Snuffywump: Lil' Cthulhu loves you. OM NOM NOM NOM!!!!
Snuffywump: Brothers are the best thing ever.
Snuffywump: All bounced out.
Snuffywump: Artemis ponders the meaning of life
Snuffywump: Sometimes a shot of tequila, with salt and lime, is just the break I need.
Snuffywump: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe!
Snuffywump: FOOLED YOU!!!
Snuffywump: OM NOM NOM
Snuffywump: Ummm.....did I leave the oven on?
Snuffywump: Tonight is a bambooish kind of night.
Snuffywump: Some days....
Snuffywump: Brotherly love is....
Snuffywump: Jaiden has earned his yellow belt!