Abet C. Narvaez: Negros Oriental Coffee Table Book
Abet C. Narvaez: Negros Oriental Coffee Table Book
Abet C. Narvaez: No taxi...rent a motorcycle and explore Dumaguete. Visit Negros Oriental, Philippines
Abet C. Narvaez: Cover Study for Negros Oriental Coffee Table Book, which one would you prefer?
Abet C. Narvaez: Bais Sandbar, Negros Oriental, Philippines
Abet C. Narvaez: Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines
Abet C. Narvaez: Geothermal Plant, Valencia, Negros Oriental, Philippines
Abet C. Narvaez: Lost in the wilderness at Tabuc in Tanjay
Abet C. Narvaez: Bodbod sa Tanjay and tsokolate