randapex: Sealion in the sand
randapex: Whaleshark
randapex: Two Sealions at play
randapex: Two pups at play
randapex: Turtle on FanMing
randapex: Turtle on FanMing
randapex: Shrimp macro
randapex: Selfportrait
randapex: Sealion Los Islotes
randapex: Randi playingwithpup
randapex: Randi and starfish
randapex: Moray with cleaners
randapex: Randi and baitfish
randapex: Monray on FanMing
randapex: Longnose Hawkfish
randapex: Female Sealion
randapex: Angie with Whaleshark
randapex: Angie swims with the fishes
randapex: Angie shooting pups
randapex: Wreck of the Mazatlan