Rick Dickinson: MHM - First schematic
Rick Dickinson: MHM - concept design 01
Rick Dickinson: MHM - 02 - uses objectives slide
Rick Dickinson: HMH - 03 - hing up light arm over stage
Rick Dickinson: MHM - 04 - focus and illumination control
Rick Dickinson: MHM - First mechanism prototype design
Rick Dickinson: MHM - Proof of concept mechanism and optics prototype. stage removed
Rick Dickinson: MHM - Proof of concept mechanism, lighting and optics prototype
Rick Dickinson: Proof of Concept mechanism prototype (2)
Rick Dickinson: testing LED's
Rick Dickinson: MHMF logo work
Rick Dickinson: proof of principle to production design and the Newton
Rick Dickinson: Second proto 3D CAD light path
Rick Dickinson: Second proto mechanism and light path
Rick Dickinson: Second proto mechanism
Rick Dickinson: Second proto mechanism internals
Rick Dickinson: Second proto mechanism with case
Rick Dickinson: Triple AA test model
Rick Dickinson: Triple AA size cell test model
Rick Dickinson: size against trekker
Rick Dickinson: Testing 3D CAD model with SLA prototype parts
Rick Dickinson: testing 3D CAD model with CNC machined alloy parts
Rick Dickinson: Insides meet outsides
Rick Dickinson: safe and sound and ready to test in the filed
Rick Dickinson: IMG_4506
Rick Dickinson: IMG_4509