keepark: John Hall and Andy Walker fighting the headwind
keepark: Big Cedar Lodge
keepark: The "Falls"
keepark: Falls Lodge Building
keepark: Spring time in Missouri
keepark: Julia Walker
keepark: Madeline Walker
keepark: Falls Lodge Building
keepark: Susan Park and John Hall
keepark: John and Jerre Hall
keepark: View of the Sunset at the reception
keepark: reception
keepark: Reception
keepark: Saturday night reception
keepark: Susan and Kee Park
keepark: Pam Towle
keepark: IMG_3262-1
keepark: John Hall explaining the virtues of Missouri wine
keepark: Steve Towle talking about Toronto
keepark: IMG_3270-1
keepark: IMG_3273-1
keepark: IMG_3274-1
keepark: Rich and Donna Maier in the SR-22
keepark: Rich and Donna Maier in the SR-22
keepark: Steve and Jane Schauer with Beech A36
keepark: Gene and JoAnn Fioretti on the Comanche
keepark: John Hall patrolling the ramp
keepark: Susan in the Cirrus
keepark: Gary and Sylvia Eberle In the P-Baron
keepark: Departing KPLK on Sunday