Vic.t: Bale shows off his chest
Vic.t: Woodgate and some others who are too blurry for me to identify. Oh ok, JJ and Bent.
Vic.t: Ooh, me back.
Vic.t: Woodgate makes plans for after the game
Vic.t: Aaron Lennon, all soft focus, like.
Vic.t: The riot police arrive!
Vic.t: Giovani Dos Santos
Vic.t: Bale
Vic.t: Lennon and Zoko hatch a cunning plan.
Vic.t: Wisla fans
Vic.t: Dawson
Vic.t: Bale's leg moves faster than a speeding bullet
Vic.t: Ledders has some magical healing potion
Vic.t: Bentley. My camera does not like the stadium lighting, sadly.
Vic.t: pre match warm up
Vic.t: Ross buys a burger
Vic.t: Shiny plod!
Vic.t: So we went round the corner and this was the view from the other end of Park Lane
Vic.t: Some Rozzer mobiles
Vic.t: Trying to get up Park Lane - no chance