hcd74: Goodyera orchid
hcd74: Ghost pipes emerging
hcd74: Early Goldenrod
hcd74: Queen Anne's Lace
hcd74: Fritillary
hcd74: Swamp Milkweed
hcd74: St Johnswort
hcd74: At the feeder
hcd74: Hum01
hcd74: Hum02
hcd74: Pussy Toes
hcd74: Round-leaved Sundew
hcd74: Bladderwort and linear Sundew
hcd74: Ghost pipes
hcd74: Rattlesnake plantain orchid
hcd74: Grape fern infertile frond
hcd74: Grape fern
hcd74: Boneset
hcd74: Turtle Head
hcd74: Prenanthes alba
hcd74: Fringed Gentian
hcd74: Gerardia
hcd74: Goldenrod sp
hcd74: Grass of Parnassas
hcd74: Grass of Parnassas2
hcd74: Bearberries
hcd74: White Admiral Butterfly
hcd74: Coral fungus - purple colour
hcd74: Dissected Grape Fern
hcd74: Dissected Grape Fern two forms