50tonJeffrey: 3rd Herd Mud Run
50tonJeffrey: 3rd Plt NCOs with Iron Mike
50tonJeffrey: Platoon Breifing
50tonJeffrey: Movement to Embark
50tonJeffrey: On Line, On Time, Center Beach
50tonJeffrey: Platoon is staged and ready to splash. (Almost)
50tonJeffrey: Camp Pen Beach AAVs
50tonJeffrey: Camp Pen Hills
50tonJeffrey: CampPen Gun Range
50tonJeffrey: Tango Assault Right
50tonJeffrey: Kurt and I at Bulldog Fountain
50tonJeffrey: Deployment Photo 2000
50tonJeffrey: Bridgeport
50tonJeffrey: Lance Corporal Novoa
50tonJeffrey: The Company Commander.
50tonJeffrey: McKinley, Me & the Hog
50tonJeffrey: Lindsay & I
50tonJeffrey: US 26th Division Church at Belleau, FR
50tonJeffrey: Entrance to the 26th Div. Church
50tonJeffrey: Pillbox
50tonJeffrey: Shell craters
50tonJeffrey: E444R 076
50tonJeffrey: Predjama Castle
50tonJeffrey: Predjama Castle
50tonJeffrey: NCO's Headed for Rome
50tonJeffrey: Palatine Museum
50tonJeffrey: Hail, Caesar. Emperor of Rome
50tonJeffrey: Roman Rottweiler
50tonJeffrey: Coliseum Floor
50tonJeffrey: Circus Maximus