50tonJeffrey: Skies over Sparks
50tonJeffrey: Ain't Seen Rain in Months
50tonJeffrey: Sketchy Timbers
50tonJeffrey: Juniper Overview
50tonJeffrey: Little Open Stope
50tonJeffrey: Another Dope Portrait Spot
50tonJeffrey: Juniper Site
50tonJeffrey: Tailing Dam
50tonJeffrey: Juniper Mill and Retort Site
50tonJeffrey: Sad State
50tonJeffrey: Blockage
50tonJeffrey: Juniper
50tonJeffrey: Tailing Trestle
50tonJeffrey: Adit View
50tonJeffrey: Lit By Lume
50tonJeffrey: Bat & Timber
50tonJeffrey: Tiny Bat bat.
50tonJeffrey: Neat geology
50tonJeffrey: Shooting the Veins
50tonJeffrey: Tools of the Trade
50tonJeffrey: Chasing the Vein
50tonJeffrey: Behind the Scenes
50tonJeffrey: A Deadly Warning
50tonJeffrey: Don’t Trip, it’s a long way down.
50tonJeffrey: A Broad View
50tonJeffrey: Portals
50tonJeffrey: Chute 3
50tonJeffrey: Goofball for Scale
50tonJeffrey: Chute 1