50tonJeffrey: Bridge to Boardwalk
50tonJeffrey: IMG_5360
50tonJeffrey: IMG_5361
50tonJeffrey: IMG_5362
50tonJeffrey: IMG_5364
50tonJeffrey: IMG_5370
50tonJeffrey: IMG_5375
50tonJeffrey: My Niece and I on the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz
50tonJeffrey: First Turn
50tonJeffrey: The Giant Dipper
50tonJeffrey: Fog Bank Regatta
50tonJeffrey: Tipping Point
50tonJeffrey: Dropping In
50tonJeffrey: IMG_5618
50tonJeffrey: IMG_5620
50tonJeffrey: IMG_5625
50tonJeffrey: IMG_5629
50tonJeffrey: IMG_5631
50tonJeffrey: Truss Rods and Friction Bearings
50tonJeffrey: Only in Santa Cruz...
50tonJeffrey: Skitching the Train in SC
50tonJeffrey: Light Writing, 1st Attempt
50tonJeffrey: Night Boardwalk
50tonJeffrey: NIght Bush