Abi Skipp: The bedroom for the following 3 nights
Abi Skipp: The She-Wee prototype in progress
Abi Skipp: The Yellow campsite at V 2009
Abi Skipp: The Yellow campsite at V2009
Abi Skipp: The Channel 4 stage at V2009
Abi Skipp: Elvis turned up but didn't want to play.
Abi Skipp: One of the awsome prints they had in a stall at V2009
Abi Skipp: Fantastic Gollum print in one of the stalls at V2009
Abi Skipp: Art 'n' Soul. This stall was amazing.
Abi Skipp: Michael made an impressive appearance at V2009
Abi Skipp: Chips and curry sauce. Compulsory festival food.
Abi Skipp: The Union marquee
Abi Skipp: The Union marquee
Abi Skipp: Absolute Radio's cocktail menu in the VIP area at V2009
Abi Skipp: The Absolute VIP area at V2009
Abi Skipp: A giant fairy at V2009
Abi Skipp: Sign in the Absolute Radio VIP tent
Abi Skipp: Geoff interviews The Specials
Abi Skipp: Carolina Liar in the Absolute Radio VIP enclosure
Abi Skipp: The Absolute Radio OB unit
Abi Skipp: Absolute Radio branding inside the VIP enclosure at V2009 festival
Abi Skipp: The Absolute Radio interview camper
Abi Skipp: One of the huge stickers inside the Absolute Radio VIP enclosure at V2009
Abi Skipp: The Absolute Radio VIP enclosure bar at V2009
Abi Skipp: Absolute Radio VIP enclosure at V2009 festival
Abi Skipp: The Absolute Radio VIP performance tent at V2009 festival
Abi Skipp: Absolute Radio VIP enclosure performance tent at V2009 festival
Abi Skipp: Hard Rock cocktail stirrer
Abi Skipp: V2009 festival artist clash list
Abi Skipp: The Wombats on the Channel 4 stage at V2009